Brand, marketing strategy and campaigns – ongoing strategic advice

EndGame has been working with Bell Direct – an exciting challenger brand in the online broking market - since they started in 2006. After initially developing and launching the brand identity, endgame has advised Bell Direct on all things brand and marketing, acting as an important part of the team and helping drive the success of the business.

Our endgames

• Develop and manage Bell Direct brand and positioning
• Build brand awareness and recognition
• Capture market share
• Ensure success across a variety of campaigns
• Drive the marketing effort each year

Our involvement

• Developed initial brand strategy and visual identity, then advised on evolving positioning since 2006
• Provided ongoing strategic marketing advice from 2006
• Developed annual marketing plans
• Developed creative briefs, website briefs and campaign strategies – then oversaw implementation
• Mentored the marketing team


• Bell Direct is established as a successful challenger brand in the competitive online broking market
• We have captured strong share from the top 2 players
• We’ve generated strong brand awareness in the face of high competitor spend
• Bell Direct is consistently winning awards as an online broker and in client satisfaction surveys


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